Interactive report example:-
In this example we tried to show how the interactive report works. Here for a storage location, we will get a list of material and will get the creation date and last changes date for material (MATNR) on double click Event AT LINE-SELECTION.
Execute the report
Click execute
Click on the 271 (material number)
Debug view
Now we got the creation and last changes date
In this example we tried to show how the interactive report works. Here for a storage location, we will get a list of material and will get the creation date and last changes date for material (MATNR) on double click Event AT LINE-SELECTION.
tables :mard. DATA : wa_mard TYPE mard, it_mard TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF mard. DATA : wa_mara TYPE mara, it_mara TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF mara. PARAMETERS LGORT TYPE mard-LGORT. SELECT * FROM mard INTO TABLE it_mard WHERE LGORT eq LGORT. LOOP AT it_mard INTO wa_mard. WRITE : /1 wa_mard-matnr , 20 wa_mard-WERKS color 4, 40 wa_mard-PSTAT color 5. HIDE wa_mard-matnr. "-*Here the contents of the line selected will be stored ENDLOOP. AT LINE-SELECTION. ULINE. IF sy-lsind = 1. WRITE : /1 'MATERIAL NO'color 1, 20 'Created On', 40 'Date of Last Change'color 2. ULINE. ENDIF. SELECT * FROM mara INTO TABLE it_mara " WHERE matnr = wa_mard-matnr. "contents of the line from above LOOP AT it_mara INTO wa_mara. WRITE : /1 wa_mara-matnr color 1, 20 wa_mara-ERSDA , 40 wa_mara-LAEDA color 2. ENDLOOP. TOP-OF-PAGE. WRITE : /1 'MATERIAL NO' , 20 'Maintenance status'color 4, 40 'Created On'color 5. ULINE .
Execute the report
Click execute
Click on the 271 (material number)
Debug view
Now we got the creation and last changes date
nice post thank you