How to create vendor master in SAP
- Check for the vendor existence
use function module BAPI_VENDOR_EXISTENCECHECK CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_VENDOR_EXISTENCECHECK' EXPORTING vendorno = l_f_lifnr "Vendor companycode = p_bukrs "company code IMPORTING return = g_r_return. ( g_r_return TYPE bapiret1.) IF g_r_return-type CA 'AEX' . Vendor does not exist. ELSEIF g_r_return-type IS INITIAL vendor alredy exits MESSAGE I521(FN) WITH l_f_lifnr. endif. Populate all the mandatory fields i_lfa1 "Vendor Master: General data address,country etc i_lfb1 "Vendor Master: Company data i_lfm1 "Vendor Master: Purchasing Data (Purchasing organization) t_xlfbk "Bank details Create vendor CALL FUNCTION 'VENDOR_INSERT' "in update task EXPORTING i_lfa1 = i_lfa1 "Vendor Master: General data i_lfb1 = i_lfb1 "Vendor Master: Company data i_lfm1 = i_lfm1 "Vendor Master: Purchasing Data (Purchasing organization) TABLES t_xlfas = t_xlfas t_xlfb5 = t_xlfb5 t_xlfbk = t_xlfbk "Bank details t_xlfza = t_xlfza T_XKNVK = T_XKNVK . IF sy-subrc = 0. COMMIT WORK. *Vendor is created ELSE. * Error while creating vendor ENDIF.
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