Create a transaction for dialog program

Scenario :We are  going to create a transaction  code for dialog program Z_DIALOG_TEST with screen 1000 .In screen 1000 we have a text field “sample transaction for dialog program” that will be display once the transaction is executed.

  1. Create a dialog program in SE38/SE80
  2. Go to the transaction SE93Z_T_DIALOG

Enter dialog Program name, screen number and short text for the transaction

Check the check boxes for GUI support

SAPGUI for HTML: Internet users who do not like to download large amounts of data  
to their PC.
SAPGUI for Java: SAPGUI for Java is like plug in.
SAPGUI for Widows: enable the plug-in for windows

We can also use this transaction in web services once we check calcification tab the Easy web transaction check box.

Execute the transaction
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