Create a transaction and screen variant for VA01

Create a transaction and screen variant for VA01 (Sales order creation standard transaction)

To create a transaction code for variant go to transaction SHD0
  1. Enter VA01: Sales order creation transaction, enter Transaction variant name and click the create button
Enter transaction variant name and create

  1. Enter order  type ZABC and press enter  

  1. Enter screen variant name ,short text ,choose the setting like content, output only ,required etc
Here we have taken sales Organization field as W content (automatically filled with last processed sales organization), output only (no input possible) and required (mandatory field).


  1. Press exit and save

  1. A transaction and screen variant will be created


  1. Now to go SE93 tcode enter the transaction name and press enter

Now enter the transaction variant created above and same the transaction


Execute the transaction: Now sales organization coming as output only and obligatory (tick sign)


Now go to the VA01 and process some sales organization like 002 and then execute this transaction .here we can observe the last processed sales organization (002). Automatically getting populated


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  1. Can we write a code in transaction variant i.e. depending on some condition we need to make the fields as disabled.


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